If you live in a europen contry it can same times be really tuff to wear the hijab. People talks behind your back and llook at you as if you had a funny mark or some dirt in the face.
If you live in sweden you even find it hard to get a good work if you wear the hijab. It´s sad becuse we live in a contry that sas you are free to have any religion.
I even got fired from my work for wearing hijab and that is just not right.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Monday, March 29, 2010
Why I Wear Hijab And Not Niqaab
Tara bint Curtis Gregory conducts a painstaking investigation of what the often disputed references from the Quran and ahadith actually say and sets out the conclusions she has arrived at after three years of research.
Indeed, all praises are due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His Aid and beg for His Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil in our souls and from the bad consequences of our deeds. Whomever Allah guides, no one can lead that person astray and whomever Allah leads astray no one can guide that person. I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah Who is alone and without any partners and I bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave and final Prophet and Messenger sent to mankind. And certainly the most perfect speech is the Speech of Allah and the finest guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (saws). The worst of affairs are those that are innovated into this religion as every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is astray and every going astray leads to the Hell Fire.
This article is not meant to serve as a fatwa (legal opinion) as I am not qualified to issue fatwas. I also need to make it clear that I don't follow a madhab (Islamic school of thought) and I respect the four imams just as much as I respect the scholars of today. I don't blindly follow the scholars, I follow the Quran and Sunnah that they follow. Whatever I have written that is true is from Allah alone while anything that is false is from myself and shaytan. May Allah forgive me and have mercy on me, ameen.
I support niqaab. I just don't view it as obligatory. I know a lot of niqaabis who are very dear sisters to me so please don't think I am against niqaabis. I also know a lot of non-hijabis (muslim women who don't wear any head covering) who I am close to. They are striving to cover and may Allah (swt) increase their iman and give them strength to overcome their personal struggle ameen.
A Muslimah who wears hijab is not better than one who wears niqaab and vice versa. Nobody is better than the next except in taqwah (piety, fear of Allah) Allah Most High does not care about our wealth, our beauty or lack of it, etc. What He cares about is what is in the heart such as niyyah (intention) and the deeds. In Saheeh Muslim it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allaah does not look at your outward appearance and your wealth, rather He looks at your hearts and deeds.” (Hadith No. 4651)
Every Muslim woman will be judged on the Yawm Al-Qiyama (Day of Judgement) concerning what they understood about the command of veiling. So let us leave the judgment to Allah Most High, who is the best of judges.
I have spent three years now researching the controversial issue of niqab vs. hijab. Each time I reach a conclusion hijab always wins. I am attempting to explain why I choose to cover everything except my face and hands using authentic daleel (proof, evidence) insha'Allah (God willing.) There are two sides to the veiling issue in reality so it should be expected that two sides will be presented. We can't force women to decide which of these two sides is right, Allah ta'ala (most high) will guide them. Our duty is simply to convey the message and then hand the hidayah (guidance) over to Allah ta'ala. At this point we have no control over that particular person because this Islamic religion has no compulsion.
I encourage you to read an excellent article compiled by Sharifa Carlo Al-Andalusia titled HIJAB uses excerpts from the esteemed muhadith (scholar of ahadith) Sheikh Nasir Ud-Din Al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) on hijab and he uses authentic daleel from Quran and Sunnah. Al-Albani did not oppose niqaab he just didn't rule in favor of it being obligatory. Many of you might know him but for those of you who don't you can read his biography at fatwa-online.com
Hafsah, daughter of 'Abdur-Rahman, once came before 'A'isha wearing a thin shawl over her head and shoulders. 'A'isha tore it up and put a thick shawl over her. The Messenger of Allah (saws) also said, "Allah has cursed those women who wear clothes yet still remain naked." The khalif, 'Umar, once said, "Do not clothe your women in clothes that are tight-fitting and reveal the shapeliness of the body." The above-mentioned traditions make it explicitly clear that the dress of Muslim women must cover the whole body, whether in the house or outside, even with her nearest relatives. She must not expose her body to anybody except her husband, and must not wear a dress that shows the curves of her body. Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, are of the opinion that, because modern times are particularly full of fitnah (mischief), women should go as far as to cover their faces because even the face may attract sexual glances from men. Shaikh al-Albani says, "We admit that the face is not one of the parts of the body to be covered, but it is not permissible for us to hold to this taking into consideration the corruption of the modern age and the need to stop the means for further corruption." It is respectfully submitted, however, that in the light of the Prophetic traditions it suffices to cover the body, leaving out the face and hands up to the wrist joints, since this is the specified Islamic covering and it may sometimes be essential for a woman to go about her lawful engagements with her face uncovered. However if a woman prefers to put on the veil (burqah), she should not be discouraged as this may be a sign of piety and God-consciousness (taqwah). The rules on dress are slightly relaxed when a woman reaches old age and her sexual attractions have faded. Such elderly women as are past the prospect of marriage, there is no blame on them if they lay aside their (outer) garments, provided they make not a wanton display of their beauty; but it is best for them to be modest and Allah is the One who sees and knows all things. (24:60)
Indeed, all praises are due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His Aid and beg for His Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil in our souls and from the bad consequences of our deeds. Whomever Allah guides, no one can lead that person astray and whomever Allah leads astray no one can guide that person. I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah Who is alone and without any partners and I bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave and final Prophet and Messenger sent to mankind. And certainly the most perfect speech is the Speech of Allah and the finest guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (saws). The worst of affairs are those that are innovated into this religion as every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is astray and every going astray leads to the Hell Fire.
This article is not meant to serve as a fatwa (legal opinion) as I am not qualified to issue fatwas. I also need to make it clear that I don't follow a madhab (Islamic school of thought) and I respect the four imams just as much as I respect the scholars of today. I don't blindly follow the scholars, I follow the Quran and Sunnah that they follow. Whatever I have written that is true is from Allah alone while anything that is false is from myself and shaytan. May Allah forgive me and have mercy on me, ameen.
I support niqaab. I just don't view it as obligatory. I know a lot of niqaabis who are very dear sisters to me so please don't think I am against niqaabis. I also know a lot of non-hijabis (muslim women who don't wear any head covering) who I am close to. They are striving to cover and may Allah (swt) increase their iman and give them strength to overcome their personal struggle ameen.
A Muslimah who wears hijab is not better than one who wears niqaab and vice versa. Nobody is better than the next except in taqwah (piety, fear of Allah) Allah Most High does not care about our wealth, our beauty or lack of it, etc. What He cares about is what is in the heart such as niyyah (intention) and the deeds. In Saheeh Muslim it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allaah does not look at your outward appearance and your wealth, rather He looks at your hearts and deeds.” (Hadith No. 4651)
Every Muslim woman will be judged on the Yawm Al-Qiyama (Day of Judgement) concerning what they understood about the command of veiling. So let us leave the judgment to Allah Most High, who is the best of judges.
I have spent three years now researching the controversial issue of niqab vs. hijab. Each time I reach a conclusion hijab always wins. I am attempting to explain why I choose to cover everything except my face and hands using authentic daleel (proof, evidence) insha'Allah (God willing.) There are two sides to the veiling issue in reality so it should be expected that two sides will be presented. We can't force women to decide which of these two sides is right, Allah ta'ala (most high) will guide them. Our duty is simply to convey the message and then hand the hidayah (guidance) over to Allah ta'ala. At this point we have no control over that particular person because this Islamic religion has no compulsion.
I encourage you to read an excellent article compiled by Sharifa Carlo Al-Andalusia titled HIJAB uses excerpts from the esteemed muhadith (scholar of ahadith) Sheikh Nasir Ud-Din Al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) on hijab and he uses authentic daleel from Quran and Sunnah. Al-Albani did not oppose niqaab he just didn't rule in favor of it being obligatory. Many of you might know him but for those of you who don't you can read his biography at fatwa-online.com
Hafsah, daughter of 'Abdur-Rahman, once came before 'A'isha wearing a thin shawl over her head and shoulders. 'A'isha tore it up and put a thick shawl over her. The Messenger of Allah (saws) also said, "Allah has cursed those women who wear clothes yet still remain naked." The khalif, 'Umar, once said, "Do not clothe your women in clothes that are tight-fitting and reveal the shapeliness of the body." The above-mentioned traditions make it explicitly clear that the dress of Muslim women must cover the whole body, whether in the house or outside, even with her nearest relatives. She must not expose her body to anybody except her husband, and must not wear a dress that shows the curves of her body. Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani, are of the opinion that, because modern times are particularly full of fitnah (mischief), women should go as far as to cover their faces because even the face may attract sexual glances from men. Shaikh al-Albani says, "We admit that the face is not one of the parts of the body to be covered, but it is not permissible for us to hold to this taking into consideration the corruption of the modern age and the need to stop the means for further corruption." It is respectfully submitted, however, that in the light of the Prophetic traditions it suffices to cover the body, leaving out the face and hands up to the wrist joints, since this is the specified Islamic covering and it may sometimes be essential for a woman to go about her lawful engagements with her face uncovered. However if a woman prefers to put on the veil (burqah), she should not be discouraged as this may be a sign of piety and God-consciousness (taqwah). The rules on dress are slightly relaxed when a woman reaches old age and her sexual attractions have faded. Such elderly women as are past the prospect of marriage, there is no blame on them if they lay aside their (outer) garments, provided they make not a wanton display of their beauty; but it is best for them to be modest and Allah is the One who sees and knows all things. (24:60)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
This is for the swedish muslims
Tio saker som världarnas Herre inte skall fråga dig om
1. Han skall inte fråga dig vilken bil du hade. Han skall fråga dig hur många gånger du har använt bilen för att hjälpa andra, köra en sjuk granne till läkaren eller en annan till arbetet eller släktingar en iskall vinterdag.
2. Han skall inte fråga dig hur många kvadratmeter ditt hem hade. Han skall fråga dig hur många gäster du har välkomnat i ditt hem, och hur god värd(inna) du varit.
3. Han skall inte fråga dig om dina kläder som hänger i garderoben. Han skall fråga dig hur många männsikor du har klätt.
4. Han skall inte fråga dig hur hög din lön var. Han skall fråga dig hur och var du konsumerat den.
5. Han skall inte fråga dig vilken ställning på din arbetsplats du hade. Han skall fråga dig hur bra du gjorde ifrån dig på arbetsplatsen.
6. Han skall inte fråga dig hur många vänner du hade. Han skall fråga dig till hur många människor du själv var en uppriktig vän(inna).
7. Han skall inte fråga dig i vilket bostadsområde du bodde. Han skall fråga dig hur bra granne du var till dem som bodde omkring dig.
8. Han skall inte fråga dig för din hudfärg. Han skall fråga dig vad du tyckte om och hur du kände för människor vars hudfärg var annan än din.
9. Han skall inte fråga dig hur lång tid det tog för dig innan du fann inre ro och lärde känna din Herre. Han skall visa dig ditt slott i Jannah, och inte till Jahannams eld – insha’Allah.
10. Han skall inte fråga dig till hur många människor du har skickat vidare dessa ord. Han skall fråga dig varför du inte skickade dem till de som du önskar allt det bästa i båda liv.
1. Han skall inte fråga dig vilken bil du hade. Han skall fråga dig hur många gånger du har använt bilen för att hjälpa andra, köra en sjuk granne till läkaren eller en annan till arbetet eller släktingar en iskall vinterdag.
2. Han skall inte fråga dig hur många kvadratmeter ditt hem hade. Han skall fråga dig hur många gäster du har välkomnat i ditt hem, och hur god värd(inna) du varit.
3. Han skall inte fråga dig om dina kläder som hänger i garderoben. Han skall fråga dig hur många männsikor du har klätt.
4. Han skall inte fråga dig hur hög din lön var. Han skall fråga dig hur och var du konsumerat den.
5. Han skall inte fråga dig vilken ställning på din arbetsplats du hade. Han skall fråga dig hur bra du gjorde ifrån dig på arbetsplatsen.
6. Han skall inte fråga dig hur många vänner du hade. Han skall fråga dig till hur många människor du själv var en uppriktig vän(inna).
7. Han skall inte fråga dig i vilket bostadsområde du bodde. Han skall fråga dig hur bra granne du var till dem som bodde omkring dig.
8. Han skall inte fråga dig för din hudfärg. Han skall fråga dig vad du tyckte om och hur du kände för människor vars hudfärg var annan än din.
9. Han skall inte fråga dig hur lång tid det tog för dig innan du fann inre ro och lärde känna din Herre. Han skall visa dig ditt slott i Jannah, och inte till Jahannams eld – insha’Allah.
10. Han skall inte fråga dig till hur många människor du har skickat vidare dessa ord. Han skall fråga dig varför du inte skickade dem till de som du önskar allt det bästa i båda liv.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
WA ‘ALAYKUM ASSALAM: "And you be peace." The reply to the Muslim greeting of "assalamu ‘alaikum" ("Peace be upon you").
WA’D: Promise. "Wa’d Allah Haqqa" ("the Promise of Allah is true").
WAHY: Revelation. Inspiration placed in the heart or mind of the Prophets by Allah Ta’ala. Auha, Uhiya and Wahyu are derived from the same root, ‘Wahy’.
WAILUN: (1). Literally means "Woe be upon you". (2). Name of a pit in Hellfire.
WAJH: Literally means "face", but may have other meanings according to its context in the sentence, e.g. (1). Wajhahu - "his whole self", as in Al-Baqara (2):112. (2). Wajhulah - "the Glory or Presence of Allah", as in Al-Baqara (2):115. 3. Li-Wajhi’llahi - "for the sake of Allah", as in Al-Insan (76):8.
WALEE: A guardian, a person who has responsibility for another person; used particularly for the person who ‘gives’ a woman in marriage. Also someone who is a ‘friend’ of Allah, one of the Sabiqoon and Muqarraboon. Singular of Awliyaa. See Awaliyaa.
WALIMA: A Marriage banquet.
WAQF: Endowment. A charitable trust in the name of Allah, usually in perpetuity, and usually for the purpose of establishing the Deen of Islam, teaching useful knowledgee, feeding the poor or treating the sick.
WAQI’A (AL): "The Inevitable Event". Another name for the Final Hour. Surah 56 of the Holy Qur’an. The Khalifah Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, was in the midst of reciting this Surah when he was murdered.
WASAYA: Wills and testament. Bequests. Allah Ta’ala commands us to make a bequest of our goods to our parents and next of kin. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqara (2):180. The exact manner of distribution of one’s goods is complicated and therefore should be studied very carefully before writing out one’s will. Basically one can bequeath up to one-third of one’s property to whomever one wishes, but the remaining two-thirds must be divided between one’s surviving relatives in fixed shares, as delineated by the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Singular: Wasaya.
WASIL (AL): A person who is kind and considerate to his kith and kin.
WASILA (AL): The highest station with Allah on the Last Day, reserved for the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
WASHM: Tattoo mark. It is forbidden for a Muslim to have a tattoo on his or her body. Wasm - Tattoo.
WATHANI: A pagan. A person who worships idols, stones, graves, trees, persons, angels or any other deity other than Allah Ta’ala.
WISAAL: Fasting for more than one day continuously without taking Suhur or Iftar. Thi is forbidden in Islam.
WITR: A Salat which has an odd number of Rak’at: two Rak’at, followed by one Rak’a. This Salat is prayed last thing at night before one goes to sleep, or else delayed and prayed at the end of the Tahajjud Salat by those who rise in the night, seeking the pleasure and the face of Alllah Ta’ala.
WUDU: A ritual washing with water alone to be pure for the prayer. The way to do Wudu is: (1). Wash hands thrice. (2). Wash mouth thrice. (3).Wash nostril thrice. (4). Wash face thrice. (5). Wash right forearm thrice. (6). Wash left forearm thrice. (7). Wipe scalp and nape of neck and then ears once, (or twice or thrice). (8). Wash right foot thrice. (9). Wash left foot thrice. Once or twice is also allowed. See holy Qur’an, An-Nisa (4):43, Al-Ma’idah (5):7. You must already be in Ghusl for Wudu to be effective. You should ensure that your private parts and underclothes are clean before doing Wudu. Once you have done Wudu you remain in Wudu until it is broken by: Any of the conditions which make it necessary to have a Ghusl. See ghusl. Emission of impurities from the private parts: Urine, faeces, wind, prostatic fluid, or other discharge. Loss of consciousness by whatever means: usually by sleep or fainting. Physical contact between man and woman where sexual pleasure is either intended or experienced. Touching your penis with the inside of your hands or fingers. Leaving Islam. It is necessary to be in Ghusl and in Wudu (or alternatively to do Tayammum under certain circumtances) to do the Salat (prayer) and to hold a copy of the Qur’an. See Tayammum.
WUQUF: Stopping places, particularly the stopping places at Arafah and Muzdalifah during the Hajj. Singular: Mawqif.
WUSTA: Middle. Salatul Wusta refers to the middle prayer, which is the ‘Asr prayer (the third of the five compulsary prayers), for those whose day begins at dawn. However, some say it refers to the Fajr prayer. This is because the Muslims follow a lunar calendar: the first day of a new lunar month is only determined when the new moon is sighted shortly after sunset. Therefore the Muslim day begins at Maghreb, and the first prayer of the new day is Maghreb, which makes the third (middle) prayer Fajr.
WA’D: Promise. "Wa’d Allah Haqqa" ("the Promise of Allah is true").
WAHY: Revelation. Inspiration placed in the heart or mind of the Prophets by Allah Ta’ala. Auha, Uhiya and Wahyu are derived from the same root, ‘Wahy’.
WAILUN: (1). Literally means "Woe be upon you". (2). Name of a pit in Hellfire.
WAJH: Literally means "face", but may have other meanings according to its context in the sentence, e.g. (1). Wajhahu - "his whole self", as in Al-Baqara (2):112. (2). Wajhulah - "the Glory or Presence of Allah", as in Al-Baqara (2):115. 3. Li-Wajhi’llahi - "for the sake of Allah", as in Al-Insan (76):8.
WALEE: A guardian, a person who has responsibility for another person; used particularly for the person who ‘gives’ a woman in marriage. Also someone who is a ‘friend’ of Allah, one of the Sabiqoon and Muqarraboon. Singular of Awliyaa. See Awaliyaa.
WALIMA: A Marriage banquet.
WAQF: Endowment. A charitable trust in the name of Allah, usually in perpetuity, and usually for the purpose of establishing the Deen of Islam, teaching useful knowledgee, feeding the poor or treating the sick.
WAQI’A (AL): "The Inevitable Event". Another name for the Final Hour. Surah 56 of the Holy Qur’an. The Khalifah Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, was in the midst of reciting this Surah when he was murdered.
WASAYA: Wills and testament. Bequests. Allah Ta’ala commands us to make a bequest of our goods to our parents and next of kin. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqara (2):180. The exact manner of distribution of one’s goods is complicated and therefore should be studied very carefully before writing out one’s will. Basically one can bequeath up to one-third of one’s property to whomever one wishes, but the remaining two-thirds must be divided between one’s surviving relatives in fixed shares, as delineated by the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Singular: Wasaya.
WASIL (AL): A person who is kind and considerate to his kith and kin.
WASILA (AL): The highest station with Allah on the Last Day, reserved for the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
WASHM: Tattoo mark. It is forbidden for a Muslim to have a tattoo on his or her body. Wasm - Tattoo.
WATHANI: A pagan. A person who worships idols, stones, graves, trees, persons, angels or any other deity other than Allah Ta’ala.
WISAAL: Fasting for more than one day continuously without taking Suhur or Iftar. Thi is forbidden in Islam.
WITR: A Salat which has an odd number of Rak’at: two Rak’at, followed by one Rak’a. This Salat is prayed last thing at night before one goes to sleep, or else delayed and prayed at the end of the Tahajjud Salat by those who rise in the night, seeking the pleasure and the face of Alllah Ta’ala.
WUDU: A ritual washing with water alone to be pure for the prayer. The way to do Wudu is: (1). Wash hands thrice. (2). Wash mouth thrice. (3).Wash nostril thrice. (4). Wash face thrice. (5). Wash right forearm thrice. (6). Wash left forearm thrice. (7). Wipe scalp and nape of neck and then ears once, (or twice or thrice). (8). Wash right foot thrice. (9). Wash left foot thrice. Once or twice is also allowed. See holy Qur’an, An-Nisa (4):43, Al-Ma’idah (5):7. You must already be in Ghusl for Wudu to be effective. You should ensure that your private parts and underclothes are clean before doing Wudu. Once you have done Wudu you remain in Wudu until it is broken by: Any of the conditions which make it necessary to have a Ghusl. See ghusl. Emission of impurities from the private parts: Urine, faeces, wind, prostatic fluid, or other discharge. Loss of consciousness by whatever means: usually by sleep or fainting. Physical contact between man and woman where sexual pleasure is either intended or experienced. Touching your penis with the inside of your hands or fingers. Leaving Islam. It is necessary to be in Ghusl and in Wudu (or alternatively to do Tayammum under certain circumtances) to do the Salat (prayer) and to hold a copy of the Qur’an. See Tayammum.
WUQUF: Stopping places, particularly the stopping places at Arafah and Muzdalifah during the Hajj. Singular: Mawqif.
WUSTA: Middle. Salatul Wusta refers to the middle prayer, which is the ‘Asr prayer (the third of the five compulsary prayers), for those whose day begins at dawn. However, some say it refers to the Fajr prayer. This is because the Muslims follow a lunar calendar: the first day of a new lunar month is only determined when the new moon is sighted shortly after sunset. Therefore the Muslim day begins at Maghreb, and the first prayer of the new day is Maghreb, which makes the third (middle) prayer Fajr.
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
[1:2] الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ [1:2] Lov och pris tillkommer Gud, världarnas Herre,
[1:3] الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ [1:3] den Nåderike, den Barmhärtige,
[1:4] مَلِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ [1:4] som allsmäktig råder över Domens dag!
[1:5] إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ [1:5] Dig tillber vi; Dig anropar vi om hjälp.
[1:6] اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ [1:6] Led oss på den raka vägen -
[1:2] الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ [1:2] Lov och pris tillkommer Gud, världarnas Herre,
[1:3] الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ [1:3] den Nåderike, den Barmhärtige,
[1:4] مَلِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ [1:4] som allsmäktig råder över Domens dag!
[1:5] إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ [1:5] Dig tillber vi; Dig anropar vi om hjälp.
[1:6] اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ [1:6] Led oss på den raka vägen -