Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Welcome o ramadaan, you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan.
O one who sleeps, stand up and declare
The oneness of Allah the oneness of Allah.
O one who fasts, stand up in prayer at night
And Allah will forgive and Allah will forgive.
Welcome o ramadaan, you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan.
O you believe, give charity
For the pleasure of Allah, for the pleasure of Allah.
O you who believe, read the qur’aan
Every night of ramadaan, every night of ramadaan.
Welcome o ramadaan, you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan
O you who believe, look out for the night
Most blessed of all nights, most blessed of all nights.
O you who believe, take hold of this night
And lament to Allah and lament to Allah.
Welcome o ramadaan you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan
O you who believe at the end of ramadaan
Don’t weaken your iman don’t weaken your iman.
O you who believe give thanks to Allah
For the month of ramadaan, for the month of ramadaan.
Welcome o ramadaan, you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan.
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan.
O one who sleeps, stand up and declare
The oneness of Allah the oneness of Allah.
O one who fasts, stand up in prayer at night
And Allah will forgive and Allah will forgive.
Welcome o ramadaan, you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan.
O you believe, give charity
For the pleasure of Allah, for the pleasure of Allah.
O you who believe, read the qur’aan
Every night of ramadaan, every night of ramadaan.
Welcome o ramadaan, you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan
O you who believe, look out for the night
Most blessed of all nights, most blessed of all nights.
O you who believe, take hold of this night
And lament to Allah and lament to Allah.
Welcome o ramadaan you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan
O you who believe at the end of ramadaan
Don’t weaken your iman don’t weaken your iman.
O you who believe give thanks to Allah
For the month of ramadaan, for the month of ramadaan.
Welcome o ramadaan, you are honoured
O month of the qur’aan, it is ramadaan.